A downloadable starwars

1. What iz dat ?

Star Wars Essential (SWE) is a personal project started in August 2013 and was release on November the 16th. It is a free web cross-browser application with a fluid and clear encyclopedic environment about Star Wars and its Extended Universe (Legends and Canon).

2. Where can I find it ?

Here dude! The application is hosted by Google AppEngine servers scattered through the world.

3. But... It's in freeeench !?

Yes, the first version of SWE will be in french. Maybe an English localization could release one day ?

4. Any good features here ?

Yes, I hope so. Here a list of some features that SWE includes :

    • Interactive chronologies : At least! Something where we can interact with faction, war period and any other important date of the Star Wars timeline.
    • Interactive genealogies : Again, in this application you are able to navigate through ve(ee)ery large genealogy trees. Jedi order, Skywalker family, Fel Dinasty... all together...
    • Interactive galaxy map : Because I couldn't find any web site that proposes an interactive map where we can see the galaxy map evolution through ages, I made it. Here you have a large galaxy map with 588 planets and can see the evolution by clicking on a date in a small chronology.
    • Full encyclopedia : Because it won't be a good Star Wars web site without it, I had a small vehicles/vessels/people/whatever database (about 1100 entries)
    • Quick search : For the moment, I have add a quick search engine in the root level.
    • Canon and Legends universes are splited at the entry point of the application. So, you have no apology to muddle theses universes from now.
    • SWE handles forward / backward stack history and encyclopedia texts contains hyperlinks to other pages.

5. Good to know

    • Periods in chronologies are align programmicaly.
    • The same for genealogy alignment.
    • The search engine is home made.
    • Development in full Java with Google Web Toolkit plug-in (that translate Java code into JavaScript).
    • There is absolutely no ad.

5. Contact

You can send me a message at starwars.essential{at}gmail.com

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